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Estate Litigation: Using Technology to Adapt

I recently blogged about how the Court has adapted and modernized in response to the unprecedented challenges caused by COVID-19. Since my last blog post, the Court released a series of notices, with new practice directions. You can access the Condolidated Notice to the Profession, Litigants, Accused Persons, Public and the Media (May 13, 2020) by clicking this link:

Although the Court extended its suspension of in-person hearings to July 6, 2020 (at the earliest), the Court has taken steps to accommodate a wider variety of virtual hearings. Certain jurisdictions have also increased the scope of matters that will be dealt with in writing.

Apart from the Court, there has been a drive within the Estates Bar to adapt and embrace the use of technological solutions. Many mediators in our field are now offering virtual mediations, as well as virtual arbitrations. Examinations can also be conducted virtually.  Affidavits can also be commissioned over video-conference, just as Wills can now be witnessed virtually.

We are here to help you. Please contact us if you have any questions.