Rebecca Xie
Phone: 416.642.1546
Fax: 416.785.0424
Rebecca Xie joined Schnurr Kirsh Oelbaum Tator LLP after being called to the bar in
2023. She developed an interest in wills and estates law in law school, particularly the importance of navigating the intersecting emotional and legal issues that can arise in estate litigation matters.
Rebecca graduated with a J.D. (with distinction) from the University of Toronto Faculty of Law in 2022. Previously, she graduated with an Honours Bachelor of Arts (with high distinction) from the University of Toronto in 2019.
Prior to joining Schnurr Kirsh Oelbaum Tator LLP, Rebecca summered and articled at the Office of the Children’s Lawyer within Ontario’s Ministry of the Attorney General, where she worked on a variety of family, child protection, civil litigation, and estate litigation matters.
Rebecca enjoys fiction writing, video games, and exploring the city.
How to find us
Toronto Office:
20 Queen Street West, Suite 2750
Toronto, Ontario
M5H 3R3
Telephone: 416.860.1057
Facsimile: 416.785.0424
181 Church Street
Bowmanville, Ontario
L1C 1T8
Telephone: 905.623.5252
Facsimile: 905.623.5573