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Category: <span>Uncategorized</span>

Improper Conduct and Dependant Support

by Rob Levesque In Webb v. Belway, 2019 ONSC 4602, the Court was asked to consider whether a common law spouse’s improper conduct while she was Power of Attorney for her spouse should be taken into consideration in determining her entitlement to support. Ms. Webb was the common law spouse of Mr. Belway who died on October […]
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No Two-Year Limitation Period for Passing of Accounts

by Mitchell Rattner Attorneys for property and estate trustees have a legal obligation to maintain complete and accurate accounts of the transactions which they undertake in the course of performing their duties.  Passing of accounts refers to the process of obtaining the Court’s approval of the accounts. In 2016, and again, in 2018, the Ontario Court […]
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Limitation Period on a Will Challenge: Shannon v. Hrabovsky

by Lisa Fenech How much time does a will challenger have to commence proceedings? The safest answer is: within two years of the date of death of the deceased. If a will challenger wants to commence proceedings after two years of the date of death, they will need to convince a court that the principle of […]
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Make a Will Month

by Robin Spurr November is the Ontario Bar Association’s Make a Will Month, and events are being scheduled all over the city to promote the importance of making a Will.  Mitchell Rattner recently spoke to community members at Barbara Frum Public Library and answered questions about the practicalities of making a Will and Powers of Attorney.  […]
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Buzz Aldrin Guardianship Dispute & the Importance of Planning for Incapacity

Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin is suing his two children and his business manager for improperly taking control of his finances, using his funds for their own benefit, and defaming him by stating publicly that he suffers from dementia. This lawsuit was brought in response to a guardianship application commenced by Aldrin’s two children. Regardless […]
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